Tips and tricks to make your post-session analysis a breeze

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1. Analysis

Analyzing your research ****post-session as efficiently as possible is made possible in Lookback by leveraging a few features.

🔤 Transcriptions

Leverage our transcription feature to quickly pull out quotes from the conversation.

🔅 Highlights

Create highlights on the go by simply turning a note into a highlight or by using the t-key shortcut on the timeline.

⏱ Playback speed

Speed up your playback to quickly replay the conversation and find the most relevant parts.

📽 Highlight reels

Promote your key highlights onto the dashboard and create a single highlight reel across many rounds of research in a single project. When downloaded, a single video file is created, playing your highlights consecutively in order.

2. Exporting + Repository

In the Lookback player you’ll find the export options in the top right hand corner.

You can export:

<aside> 📝 Notes, chats, and transcriptions from a session

<aside> 🎥 Session recordings

<aside> 🔅 Highlight Reels

<aside> 🧪 You can find a sample of what the download output file looks like
